How long do eye lifts last?

Surgery on the eyelids improves the appearance of the eyes and is a type of plastic surgery.

People can undergo either both upper and lower eyelid surgery or only one.

In either case, this procedure can rejuvenate the area around the eyes. This is because through the procedure, excess skin is removed from the upper eyelid and bags are reduced on the lower eyelid.

You may wonder how long eye lifts last if you consider this procedure.

In this article, we discuss how long blepharoplasty results last.


What is Blepharoplasty?

As people age, signs of aging pop up around the eyes, such as puffy eyes and drooping eyelids.

In this situation, blepharoplasty (eye lift surgery) comes in handy and helps people to experience more self-satisfaction.

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery implemented on eyelids. Not only does it improve patients’ vision, but it also makes them look younger than they are.

If you suffer from the dark circle around your eyes, this cannot help you with them.


how long blepharoplasty results last

how long blepharoplasty results last


What can be treated by eyelid surgery?

Blepharoplasty can be combined with other procedures such as laser resurfacing, filler injections, or forehead lifts or done independently.

Via the blepharoplasty, you can treat the fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the eyelids,

sags under the eyes, droopy lower eyelids that reveal white below the iris,

Excess skin, fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid, and loose or sagging skin affect eye vision.

If you have these signs, you can undergo blepharoplasty, but you don’t know how long the eyelifts last; keep reading the article.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Blepharoplasty?

Although we mentioned the symptoms that can be alleviated with blepharoplasty in the top section, it is not enough to go for surgery.

Before spending your time and money, you should read this section to find suitable candidates for blepharoplasty.

The ideal candidates for blepharoplasty are those who sound healthy and know what they want. The majority of patients are over 35 years old.

Blepharoplasty Experience (Blepharoplasty Questions & Answers)

However, if puffy eyelids or droopy eyelids run in your family, consider surgery sooner rather than later.

Your appearance and confidence can be improved with eyelid surgery. However, your facial structure may not be altered, and you may not achieve your perfect look.

It is critical to discuss your goals with your surgeon before deciding to undergo surgery.


Blepharoplasty procedure

After being sure about the surgery, people want to know more about its procedure and how long eyelifts last.

If you want to manage your plan for surgery, you can find out how long eye lift surgery takes.

It depends on the type of surgery. If both the upper and lower eyelids are lifted simultaneously, it usually takes about 2 hours.

You won’t feel any pain since your doctor will use local anesthesia (painkillers injected around the eye) with oral sedation.

Hospitals and surgical centers usually administer IV sedation during the procedure.

If you want to undergo surgery for both the upper and lower eyelids, the surgeon will likely start on the upper lids first.

Within 3-6 days, the stitch sites on the upper eyelids will begin to heal, while the lower eyelids may not need stitches.

For the lower eyelids, a variety of techniques can be used. For example, they can remove fat deposits by cutting inside your lower eyelids.

In the eye lift method, the cut line would not be visible. In another method, the surgeon can soften fine lines using CO2 or erbium laser.


blepharoplasty in the top section

blepharoplasty in the top section


How long do eye lifts last?

If your eyelids are puffy and you are still determining what treatment method to use. It depends on your budget and how long you hope the results of treatment stay.

The longevity of each method depends on many factors, such as age and genetic background.

Patients choose blepharoplasty for treatment because they consider it a permanent treatment.

B blepharoplasty treats the symptoms above by lifting the drooping eyelids and removing fatty deposits.

The eye lift procedure can be done only on the upper eyelids or both upper and lower eyelids, depending on what you desire.

Blepharoplasty seems a simple, straightforward method; however, it should be done with a skilled and experienced surgeon to avoid upcoming complications such as damaging the eyesight.

Choosing the best and most qualified surgeon is crucial for long-lasting results.

Although the results of eyelifts last longer than other treatments, they are less likely to last permanently.

Without a doubt, blepharoplasty will improve the appearance of your face, but there is no way to prevent the opposite symptoms.


The longevity of this method varies from patient to patient, depending on their age, surgeon, genetics, etc.

Blepharoplasty generally leads to permanent results. And the removed fat and skin cannot be rebuilt again. Bags under the eyes or droopy upper lids are unlikely to grow back after surgery.

Blepharoplasty on the upper eyelids usually lasts 5 to 7 years, whereas lower eyelid surgery lasts forever.

If a patient has already had a blepharoplasty surgery done once, they will not have to have it done again if they refer to their previous experience.

The surgery results can be preserved if other non-surgical treatments are considered, in addition to surgical ones, to achieve the best and longest-lasting results.


blepharoplasty in the top section

blepharoplasty in the top section


Let’s recap

Standard plastic surgery is eye lifting, which allows people to have a better appearance as they age.

This article discusses the procedure for this surgery and who can undergo it.

In addition, we explained how long eyelifts last, which is the primary concern of those who want to treat their puffy eyelids and remove excessive skin.

We hope the “How Long Do Eyelifts Last article helps you handle your blepharoplasty surgery problem.

Let us know in the comments if you have undergone surgery, and share your experiences with us.

Can drooping eyelids be fixed?


By |2024-03-08T03:30:41+00:00March 8, 2024|Blepharoplasty Surgery|1 Comment

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