Hair transplant is the most popular beauty procedure in Iran. Every year, many applicants come to Iran for natural hair transplantation using the latest methods. Iran is a reliable source for hair transplantation with advanced methods of hair transplantation, short recovery time and best results. If you are suffering from hair loss, it is time to apply for hair transplant in the best hair transplant clinic in Iran. So stay with us until the end of this article.


Tips for staying and hair transplant in Iran

Iran,  due to the high skill of Iranian surgeons and low medical costs, has become one of the centers of cosmetic surgery in the world. One of the most common beauty procedures in Iran is hair and eyebrow transplantation. Iranian hair transplant surgeons use the latest hair loss treatment methods and techniques available in the world to help you do this easily in the best hair transplant clinic in Iran. Below, we point out the important points that must be observed in order to stay and transplant hair in Iran.


  1. Sightseeing in Tehran

Since Tehran is one of the historical and cultural cities of Iran, people who travel to Iran for hair transplant are attracted to Tehran’s sights. Although hair transplantation is one of the simplest cosmetic procedures, people can recover very quickly and return to their daily lives. But they can stay longer and have fun in Tehran.


  1. Tourism in Tehran

The medical tourism industry in general is growing worldwide, especially in Europe and the Middle East. Iran is considered one of the top five countries in the Middle East for medical tourism. Some people who go to the best hair transplant clinic in Iran for hair transplant are fascinated by beautiful sights and attractions upon entering Iran and Tehran.


  1. Duratoin of hair transplant

In the days after hair transplant surgery, scales appear on the scalp. They are about the size of a pinhead and their structure should not cause concern. In fact, after 8 to 10 days, crusts are formed and disappear by themselves. Some patients may also experience swelling in the area where the grafts were placed. The patient may also experience some itching and mild pain in the donor area and the bald area. These symptoms usually take about 10 days to go away during the healing process.


  1. Duration of the recovery period

In general, depending on the method they choose for hair transplantation in Iran and the number of implants planted on the new scalp, people return to their primary activities between 2 and 5 days after hair transplantation and do not experience any special problems in performing their daily tasks.

Tips for staying and hair transplant in Iran

Tips for staying and hair transplant in Iran


How to choose the best hair transplant clinic in Iran?

Once you are familiar with the characteristics of a good treatment clinic, you should now choose the most suitable center. In general, even if you know the characteristics of a good clinic, it is difficult to choose a clinic as the best clinic. Because today there are many clinics, each of which has its own advertisements and thinks that they are the best. To choose a good clinic, it is better to check its work history. For example, some clinics publish pictures of their patients that show before and after the operation.

You can also ask customers. Asking customers is a great way to learn about medical service. In general, the people in the clinic can guide you well. Examining the patient’s perspective is another method that can help you. Try to visit the website of the treatment center and read the comments of the patients about the services and read the comments of different users about the clinic which will help you a lot.

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Today, most of the big cities of Iran such as Ahvaz, Isfahan, Shiraz are equipped with hair transplant clinics. But still, hair transplant methods in the cities have not progressed as much as in Tehran and they work mostly in the traditional way. In general, by checking the features of a good hair transplant clinic and checking its records, you can definitely make the best choice. In the rest of this article, we study the criteria and characteristics of the best hair transplant clinic in Iran.


The most important criteria for choosing a hair transplant clinic

To find the best hair transplant clinic in Iran, we should pay attention to the good criteria of that clinic. These criteria include:


  • Specialist doctor

When choosing a hair transplant clinic, the first thing you should do is look for a specialist. A specialist should perform your hair transplant. By checking this information and specialized information, you can benefit from the benefits of choosing a hospital.


  • Modern medical equipment

Different methods are used in hair transplantation, such as FUE. Different methods can be used for each patient. To use these methods, modern medical devices must be available. A clinic with modern devices helps you to achieve a successful result using different techniques in the best hair transplant clinic in Iran.

clinic with modern devices helps you to achieve a successful result

clinic with modern devices helps you to achieve a successful result

  • Official license from the Ministry of Health

The most basic and important thing that a hair transplant clinic needs is an official license from the Ministry of Health. This license determines whether the hair transplant clinic is medically qualified to perform hair transplant surgery or not, and like a business license, it must be placed in a place that is visible to everyone.


  • Customer support

The best hair transplant clinic in Iran always supports and supports its clients, which is its most important characteristic. In fact, providing quality services to clients is a kind of respect for them that an ideal center has for patients and clients.


  • Variety of medical services

One of the most important features that the best hair transplant clinic should have; Diversity in service delivery. In today’s era, due to the advancement of technology in the field of medicine, various methods and methods have been invented for hair transplantation and transplantation.


  • Adequate administrative and service staff

The best hair transplant clinic in Iran should have proper personnel and administrative staff. If the administrative staff cannot organize the clients well, the order of the clinic will be disrupted. The behavior of employees is always criticized by the public.


  • The possibility of face-to-face consultation

Any reputable surgeon insists on having a face-to-face consultation with the potential patient before performing the operation. During this consultation, the surgeon will discuss your expectations and desired hair coverage. The surgeon must assess whether these outcomes are achievable and provide the patient with realistic expectations. Be wary of any surgeon who has salespeople who make the first contact with patients.


Hair Transplant methods in Iran

Hair transplant surgery is typically conducted using either a local anesthesia or general anesthesia depending on the complexity of the operation. Just before implementing the procedure, the donor area will be trimmed short so that the grafts can be directly accessed. In the beginning, surgeons use a special tube-like instrument that punches the round graft out of the donor site so it can be replaced in the area to be covered, mostly the frontal hairline.

To maintain healthy circulation in the scalp, specialists place the grafts about one-eighth of an inch apart. However, it should be kept in mind that the ideal implantation method is not the same for all people. The reason for this should be found in the biological and genetic differences of different volunteers. It goes without saying that every candidate may experience hair loss for various reasons.

Also, each person’s health history is different and according to the doctor’s diagnosis, a certain method may be suitable for him. Currently, the best method of hair transplantation in Iran is non-surgical methods such as Micro Fit, Micro Graft, FIT, SUPER FUE. In these methods, modern equipment such as implanter tweezers are used to remove hair.


Hair transplant cost in Iran

The main reason is that Iran has the best hair transplant technique and the second reason is its affordable price. Various factors affect the price of hair transplant surgery, so it is not possible to consider a single price for all people. The cost of the best hair transplant clinic in Iran depends on factors such as the density or amount of baldness, the cost of the doctor and the type of implantation method.

In addition to the cost of hair transplantation, the patient must pay other costs to perform this surgery, such as the cost before and after hair transplantation, which can be the cost of the doctor’s salary, the cost of the desired clinic, cost of required tests ,cost of prescribed drugs and the cost of consultation visits mentioned.

Iran has the best hair transplant technique

Iran has the best hair transplant technique

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I visit the doctor again after hair transplant?
After the hair transplant operation, the doctor advises the patient to return after a few days for a check-up and results of the transplant. The specialist doctor will remind you of the post-implantation care and you should follow the doctor’s recommendations for recovery and better results. Observing the result of hair transplant in the best hair transplant clinic in Iran is different between people. The time frame to see the result is between 9 and 12 months after hair transplantation.


Where is the best hair transplant clinic in Iran?
It is always recommended to consult a doctor before doing anything, and for hair transplantation, it is recommended to contact a professional clinic with a history like VIP clinic. VIP clinic in Tehran is one of the best hair transplant clinics in Iran. Why VIP? Because this well-equipped and specialized clinic works under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, it has up-to-date doctors and equipment, and it offers free consultations. If you also need advice before hair transplantation, you can contact VIP.


Is there an age limit for hair transplantation?
There is no specific age for cutting hair, however, it is better for the applicant to do this beauty procedure when his hair has completely fallen out. Because it is only in this condition that the result of the hair transplant will be good and the applicant can enjoy the hair result.


Are the results of hair transplantation permanent?
Since natural human hair is used for hair transplantation, the possibility of rejecting the transplanted follicles is low. Therefore, those who do hair transplantation and use this beautiful method to fill the bald and empty parts of their head, should not be afraid of hair loss and hair regrowth. Because the effect of hair transplant is permanent.


Does smoking after hair transplant affect hair transplant results?
Yes, one of the other important recommendations after hair transplant is to avoid hookah, tobacco and alcohol. Smoking has a negative effect on the blood supply to the head. Smoking can reduce blood flow to the scalp and worsen hair transplant results. In addition, smokers are more prone to swelling after hair transplant, so it is recommended to quit smoking or not smoke at all for a few months before and after hair transplant.