One can argue that the most challenging part of every surgery in the medical world is the recovery period after the actual procedure, whether it is an eye patch after Lasik surgery or anything else.

However, this recovery period can be different from procedure to another one.

Keep in mind that there are lots of factors that define this time after the surgery. In this article, we intend to talk about a particular surgery and the recovery period of this procedure.

The blepharoplasty.

Blepharoplasty surgery is one of the popular procedures these days for several reasons, which you will find out about further into the article.

We will be talking about the procedure itself. We will discuss the recovery period of this unique procedure, and then we shall list the factors that matter when discussing the recovery of blepharoplasty.

So, if you want more information about the blepharoplasty recovery period and the procedure itself, just come with us till the end of the article to find out more.

Let’s get started with the statement, shall we?

Blepharoplasty surgery is one of the popular procedures these days for several reasons

Blepharoplasty surgery is one of the popular procedures these days for several reasons


The blepharoplasty procedure and recovery importance

The human body ages, which is the result of overworking the cells, meaning that as time passes, the cells of the body get old and eventually collapse, which may cause skin wrinkles and even organ malfunctions; however, there is a solution for everything.

As you know, when the skin’s collagen gets older and redundant, the same thing happens to the skin all around the body, including the face.

Because the face is the first part that impacts a meeting, it should be preserved however some people find beauty in every era of their life.

Nevertheless, when the skin becomes redundant, it falls with gravity over time, but there is a solution to fix this issue.

Usually, this fact can impact the skin of the eyelid as well, meaning that it will fall on the eyeball and cause some vision issues and maybe something much more severe.

And even sometimes, this happens because of the excessive intake of trans fats.

No matter the reason, a surgery that removes this redundant skin from the eyelid fixing these issues is called blepharoplasty.

After the surgery, you have to rest and recover. This is called the recovery period of the blepharoplasty surgery, and it exists in every surgery possible; the only difference is the time and duration.

In this article, we will be talking about the recovery period and the facts of it in a complete way, so if you intend to get this surgery and are unsure about the recovery period of blepharoplasty, keep reading to find out everything that you need.

So, if you are ready, let’s jump right into the main section of the statement.

Let’s move on.

After the surgery, you have to rest and recover. This is called the recovery period of the blepharoplasty surgery

After the surgery, you have to rest and recover. This is called the recovery period of the blepharoplasty surgery

Recovery of blepharoplasty: a complete guide

We have seen surgeries that can take up to one year and even six months till the complete recovery; however, we can assure you that the blepharoplasty surgery is nothing like any of these procedures, we mean that it would not take that long, and there is nothing to worry about.

Usually, when the surgery ends, you will be asked to contact one of your closest trusted people to drive you and walk you to your house; there is no need to stay in the hospital or the clinic after the surgery.

This is because there is no need to; however, you should avoid driving and walking alone because there is the possibility of a blood surgery and pressure drop, which may cause you to black out.

You must be careful despite nothing to worry about because this is pretty normal.

When you get home, the blepharoplasty recovery period starts.

Statics show that the stitches on the eyelid will disappear on the third or the fourth day after the surgery; however, if they don’t dissolve, your specialist will remove them manually.

After that, the second chapter of the recovery begins with the scars on your eyelid.

These scars may take some time to heal; to be exact, they can take up to 3 weeks. However, some actions can make this process faster, which we will tend to do in a bit.

At this point of recovery, you can get back to your everyday life, but based on your conditions, this duration can vary, meaning that we have seen patients that can get back to their lives after 1 or 2 weeks.

However, the thing is that the third chapter of the procedure can take a tad longer to heal, and those are the bruises around your eye.

These swollen sections can take up to 3 months to go away.

At this point, you will have two options:

  •         You can either stay home or work from home if you are not comfortable with others knowing about the surgery or you are self-conscious.
  •         Or you can get back to living your everyday life if you don’t care about the appearance of the eyelid.

Now let’s see the list of actions you can take to make the blepharoplasty recovery period faster:


Beneficial actions for your blepharoplasty recovery (+ 4 BEST ONES)

As we mentioned, there are some acts that you can perform that will give some speed to the process of healing after the surgery; however, make sure to consult your doctor about these actions, and then you can do them without any concerns because, as we said human bodies are different that one another.

Now let’s see the list:


1.    Activity

Stay active during your recovery period; this will ensure a high blood flow in your streams, making the scar heal faster than ever.



Some medicines are designed to raise the speed of blepharoplasty recovery; however, ask your doctor for these medications.



Wearing eye bandages and cleaning your scars and the surgery area can make a massive difference in recovery; however, ask your doctor about the instructions again.



Ice is the number one cure for swollen skin; it can decrease inflammation and heal your wounds faster than expected.

These were some of the factors we have been mentioning about the blepharoplasty recovery period, so if you are done with the concept, let’s get to the end of the statement and finish off.

Stay active during your recovery period; this will ensure a high blood flow in your streams

Stay active during your recovery period; this will ensure a high blood flow in your streams


In the end…

Beauty and even medical surgeries are getting more and more because of the problems that people have to face and the solutions that science has come up with.

This article talked about blepharoplasty surgery, why it is done, and what causes it.

And then, we discussed the matter of recovery in the blepharoplasty surgery, the exact durations and periods you must know about, and the following factors that can help your blepharoplasty recovery duration.

In the end, we are happy that you could stay with us until the end of the What is The Recovery Time for Blepharoplasty?” statement; we cannot wait to hear all your feedback regarding this topic, so make sure to keep in touch with us.

Can drooping eyelids be fixed?