The eyelid is a complex tissue that includes eyelashes, tear glands (lacrimal), sweat glands (glands of Zeis or Moll), and sebaceous (oil or Meibomian) glands. 

 These tissues may develop inflammatory reactions, appearing as swollen eyelids.

 However, since the eyelid tissue is less than a millimeter wide, it is susceptible to swelling because it can be stretched.


A puffy eyelid is quite common, and it happens for many reasons. Allergies, infections, inflammation, or injuries are common causes.

 Eye swelling in the upper and lower eyelids is annoying, but it will go away within a day.

 If it lasts more than a day, consult your doctor, as it may cause serious problems.

 n this case, getting treatment within a specific time frame will prevent something severe like blindness.

 If you face the question randomly, why is my upper eyelid swollen head over to this article?


Eyelid puffy & the reasons (+ 6 common reasons)

 A swollen eyelid is often a symptom of another medical issue, including:

why is my upper eyelid swollen

why is my upper eyelid swollen


Allergies are the most common cause of puffy upper eyelids. Certain substances in pollen and dust temper the immune system when people are exposed to them.

 To protect the eyes cells, cells in the eye release histamine. It can also occur because of a reaction to some foods or a fever.

 Medicines such as Antihistamines can alleviate the symptoms of swollen eyes symptom.


2.Pink eye (conjunctivitis)

Puffy eyelid happens because of infection during cold weather. Many infection factors, such as viruses, bacteria, allergens or other irritants, can lead to pink eye.

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Mucus may be found in both eyes in the morning. In addition, this individual may suffer from puffy eyes, redness, and itching.

Before getting treatment, you must be sure the cause of your puffy eyelid is due to a virus, bacteria or allergy. Cold or warm compresses can be used to treat swollen eyes.


The infection affects the eyelash follicle or tears gland. Styes manifest as tender red bumps on the eyelid’s outer line.

 The eyes affected by Stye will be sensitive to light and may look a little bruised.

 Cold or warm compressors can help you feel better and reduce the symptoms of Stye that cause a puffy upper eyelid.

 Additionally, it can aid in clearing blocked pores.

a puffy upper eyelid

a puffy upper eyelid


A chalazion is similar to Style with no pain, but a small bump appears on the eyelid and shows the eyelid puffy.

 Chalazion results when oil glands block, and these glands become rough bumps, which lead to redness and puffiness of the eyelids.


5.Graves’ disease

People who suffer from Graves’ disease or other thyroid-related issues often have swollen and puffy eyelids.

 Some of these patients develop swelling in one eye and some in both eyes, and in some patients, Grave’s disease leads to restrictions in eye movement and vision.

 Swollen eyes can be caused by low thyroid hormone levels or hypothyroidism.

 You can take prescription-included steroids, like prednisone or Tepezza (teprotumumab), to help soothe your swelling symptoms. But in some cases, they would need treatment with radiation.



Cellulitis is one of the most common causes of puffy eyes. It is crucial to seek medical treatment at the earliest opportunity when the lower layer of the eyelid is infected with bacteria.

 There are two types of cellulitis:

swollen and puffy eyelids

swollen and puffy eyelids

 preseptal cellulitis

This happens when the eyelid or the skin around the eyelid is infected. Along with puffy upper eyelids, patients may have red eyes. Usually, one eyelid will be involved with preseptal cellulitis.

Orbital Cellulitis

It is related to sinus infection. Infection takes place inside the bone around the eye. People with orbital cellulitis may experience upper puffy eyelids and pain when they move their eyes.


7.Congenital puffy eyes

The other reason for having a puffy eyelid is congenital and appears bypassing the years, and there is no medical treatment. So, here there is one solving method, blepharoplasty

8.Puffy eyes because of aging

The last reason for puffy eyes on our list is aging. Bypassing the years and increasing age, the eyes started to change.

Someone’s eyelid starts to puff, and it suffers the individual. As you may know, this problem has no medical treatment.

The only way to help you in this manner is the surgery, and by consulting the doctor, you can do blepharoplasty surgery.

What are the symptoms of a Puffy eyelid?

A puffy eyelid can be caused by infection or allergic reactions. It may have accompanied by other symptoms.


Here is the list of symptoms:

  •  Redness of the eyelid.
  • Redness of the white part of the eye.
  • Soreness, particularly involving an infection.
  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia).
  • Eye irritation, such as an itchy or scratchy sensation.
  • Excess tear production, resulting in watering eyes.
  • Obstructed vision (depending on the extent of the swelling).
  • Eye discharge.
  • Eyelid dryness or flaking.


When Should You See a doctor?

Usually, puffy eyelids disappear within a day, but if your symptom persists after 24-48 hours, you should arrange an appointment with an ophthalmology doctor to get treatment.

To prescribe the proper medications, the doctor will examine and ask about your symptoms to see whether they occur because of allergies, infections, irritants, etc.

Swollen and Puffy Eyelids

Swollen and Puffy Eyelids

Final words

As mentioned earlier, a puffy eyelid appears when fluid accumulates in the tissues around your eyes that have internal and external reasons.

 “You might suffer from itching or pain”. There are many causes for this symptom.

 In the article, we explained why your upper eyelid is puffy and covered its treatments.

 We hope the “why is my upper eyelid puffy” article will be helpful for you and help you to handle your health issue.

 If you have any questions or ideas in this field, we would like to hear from you in the comments.

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